Rocking Mama Answers: ‘Is the Easter Bunny Real?’


Helpful Household Tips for Responding to the Big Easter Question

It may seem like only yesterday we were breathing a sigh of relief about successfully maintaining the Santa myth. That one is always fun, particularly the older they get and how clever their line of questioning becomes. It can start to feel like getting grilled by a hardboiled detective!

Now spring is in full swing. We’ve finished our spring cleaning and we find ourselves focused with their laser eyes as they ask the newest loaded question: “Rocking Mama, you rock [we’re editorializing somewhat]. You would never, ever lie to us. Is the Easter Bunny real?”

Keep calm. Measure your breaths. We’re going to get through this. Then we can do some shopping on laurel leaf farms.

We have some tips to help you over this significant hurdle, but you obviously should take from these what you know will work. You’re the one who knows your child best at the end of the day. What matters most is getting through this and back to the fun of the occasion: watching your little one bury their arm shoulder deep in a clean towel hamper and emerge triumphantly from the large family laundry room with their egg prize!

Remember That It Isn’t About You

It can be difficult to see your kid growing up–at least, faster than you’d hoped. Getting these big questions signals that they are transitioning without a doubt. We have to bear in mind, though, that we can’t permit our desire for them to stay little and precious to get in the way of their development. If your first instinct is to immediately respond with wide eyes, “Yes, honey, that old bunny is REAL,” it might be time to step back and get some perspective. They can’t stay young forever, and this is truly a big opportunity for a teachable moment in their path to being an adolescent.

A Policy of Honesty is Best

It can be sorely tempting and all too easy to follow our first instincts about things. They often serve us well in our nurturing, so we give them the benefit of the doubt for more complex issues. After all, it can be fairly easy to think…

  • They’ve probably already heard from other school kids and are just confirming with you
  • If you maintain that the Bunny is real, you’re only delaying the inevitable anyhow
  • This could just be a test from that hardboiled detective of a kid you’ve got

We’re always hounding them to be truthful, and they could be seeking some quid-pro-quo. This is a great opportunity to provide it.

Sometimes a White Lie Works

You’ll be able to tell with some ease whether your child isn’t quite there yet about our fine fuzzy holiday pal. If they couch the question a certain way, like “So-and-so told me that the Easter Bunny isn’t real… but that’s not true, right?” This can be their softball method for inquiring early on in their transition. If you detect that they are angling to NOT get the news, follow that feeling. It is healthy and happy to keep the dream alive a little while longer if that’s safer for them emotionally. Once they become more direct and persistent about it, you’ll know it’s time for some truth.

Soften the Impact

When you have children spanning multiple generations, you can make use of their older status to bring them into the fold. You’re entrusting them with the sacred responsibility of the Easter Secret, and the older kids will feel accountable to their younger siblings. This strengthens the family bond and provides a chance to teach them some healthy attitudes about growing up. This also increases the bond with mama as she’s sharing the joy of giving Easter to the younger kids.

Most of All, Trust Your Heart

We hope all of these tips are helpful, but we don’t kid ourselves–each mama knows what’s best when we search inside. If you’ve read anything here that conflicts with how you know your kids, then toss my words right out the window in favor of your knowledge. You know absolutely best how to avoid it, but even if you don’t the best path to overcoming emotional pain with your kids. Ultimately, we all found out eventually at a pace that didn’t ruin our world perspective. We all survived to be rocking mamas.


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